Born out of the enthusiasm to thrive, Nawi Azim Rassoly Co Ltd (NARTC) is the leading name in armored vehicle supplies and trading services in Afghanistan. Since its inception in 2006, NARTC has worked with some of the biggest names of the development efforts in Afghanistan, working with many institutions and multi-national companies and prominent development organizations like USAID, the foreign missions and many others in the country. NARTC was established for the sole purpose to introduce the abilities of Afghans leading Afghanistan forward. Within the first few years of its operations in the Afghan market, NARTC became the go-to name for any vehicle supplies and its trading. Over the years, NARTC has also expanded its work to several of the country's provinces. The company now has operations in six provincial hubs and active presence in all 34 provinces of the country.
The fast pace of growth inside the country encouraged NARTC's president Mr. Mohammad Hakim Rahimi, to expand the work to the promising markets of Dubai to explore new opportunities.
NARTC envisions to be the prime leader
of the industry in Afghanistan and beyond.